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Dealing with the carbon fibre rods

Construction begins with sawing the carbon fibre sections to a length that will fit in the hat. Mostly you will be interested in the halves with the ferrules attached, though you will need five non-ferrule halves and four spare ferrules. The sawn ends need to be filed and sanded so they are smooth and angled, so that they can locate easily under the tension of the shock cord.

When working with the carbon fibre, remember that it has a grain and is prone to splintering. This means:

  • put a piece of masking tape around a rod before sawing
  • saw gently
  • rotate the rod as you saw, so that you are always moving toward the centre of the rod
  • file or sand in the direction "off" the sawn end, rather than "onto" it.
  • A little filing of the end of the inside bore will help preserve the life of the shock cord.

In general I had the pieces ferrule-end-down for no particular reason, I just felt it would probably locate better that way. The ferrule-less pieces go at the foot of each leg, at the base of the trunk, and one is connected to the top of the trunk so that it doesn't lock out, then taped inside the hat to mount the stand.

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Author: Sweavo Date created: 2003-06-26 16:08:18
Last Editor: LP Date edited: 2003-08-28 18:06:22
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